Monday, June 8, 2015

June 5th, 2015

I was talking with Paige about all kinds of things. I wanted to know all about my new home!!

"So, what kinds of dolls does Sparkie collect?" I asked Paige. 

She shrugged and answered me in her heavy southern drawl. "Any kind of doll she can get her hands on. She's not limited to any type." 

I nodded. "Cool." 

Then I glanced across the room at the window that looked out across the treetops of Sparkie's front yard.

"Are we allowed to go outside?" I wondered.

"Sparkie never said we couldn't - but she never said that we could either." Paige stood up. "It was nice talking to you," she said, "but MALUCIA HAS GOT MY BLUE DRESS!" and she ran over to go confront the youngest doll, whom everyone tried to parent. 

"Hey, Isa, want to go exploring outside with me?" I asked. 

"Ooh, sure!" Isadora (Isa for short) said.

We both made the difficult climb down from the Sparkie's Shelf to the ground, then walked across the room and into the hallway.

We turned the corner to the stairway and looked down. I gulped. "How do we get down from here?"

Isadora glanced up. "I have an idea!" she said, and scrambled up the railing post. She grabbed on and slid down, falling onto the landing. She ran over to the second post and slid down again. Isadora glanced around to make sure Sparkie wasn't around, then called up to me. "Come on!"

I took a deep breath and climbed. Squeezing the railing tight, I slid.

Making it down safely, we rushed out the door just as Sparkie walked to where we had been standing moments before.

"Now that we're outside, what should we do?" I looked around, still in awe at how big everything was!

"We should climb trees!" Isadora suggested. 

I didn't want to spoil anything, so I agreed.

We walked to a perfect climbing tree with lots of branches. 

Isadora was the one to scramble up first.

Her wings, which, with a little button, you could push in and out, suddenly spread out behind her. Isa groaned. "These stupid wings! Why couldn't I have been made with a defect or something?" 

"Want me to push them in for you?" I called up from a little lower down. 

Isadora took me up on that and quickly jumped down.

I pushed them in for her, and then we looked around the yard again, wondering what else we should do. 

When suddenly, we heard the door open and a voice call out, "ANNA!! ISADORA!"

We smiled sheepishly as she turned her head and saw us. "Hi, Sparkie..." I said. 

She carried us back inside and gave us both a lecture on the dangers of being outside without her watching. We nodded, but when she was finished, we looked at each-other and grinned.

It was not the end of adventures for Anna and Isa!
Thanks for reading!!


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful adventure! That sort of reminds me of my first time outside...



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Just please don't take the Lord's name in vain, curse, or be rude. I check all my comments, and if I find your comment contains any of these things, I'll ask Sparkie to delete the comment.